Webinar Highlights: It's All About Readiness

by RangeForce Team

Did you miss our webinar, “It’s All About Readiness: Why You’ve Been Doing Cyber Training Wrong”? If so, you missed out on valuable insights that can help your team be cyber ready. And no one should miss out on that. 

We’ve captured the webinar highlights below for easy reading. You can also watch the full recording (recommended). 

It’s All About Readiness: Why You’ve Been Doing Cyber Training Wrong

Presented by Tanner Howell, RangeForce Solutions Engineering Team 

Cyber Attacks are Getting Worse

  • The state of cyber attacks is worsening, and organizations need to be more prepared than ever.
  • Technology plays a critical role in mitigating threats but,  it's not enough.

Traditional Training Methods are Limited

  • Traditional training methods like certifications and video lectures have limited effectiveness.
  • These methods don't adequately address the need for active learning and application of knowledge.

Introducing Cyber Readiness

  • Meet the concept of "Cyber Readiness," defined as the measured capability of a team to detect, disrupt, and defend against threats.
  • Cyber Readiness is a different approach to training compared to traditional methods of certifications and in-person training.

The Problem with Certifications

  • Certifications present a number of challenges, including their cost, saturation in the market, and limited ROI.
  • Certifications don't necessarily translate to real-world skills and knowledge retention.

The Problem with Traditional Training

  • Traditional training methods like video lectures have limited effectiveness due to their passive nature and weak engagement.
  • Active learning and hands-on experiences are crucial for effective training.
  • Just As Formula 1 drivers need to practice on the track, cybersecurity professionals need to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Why We Still Train the Old Way

  • There are understandable reasons why organizations continue to use traditional training methods, such as limited resources and time constraints.
  • Leaders should challenge the status quo and explore more effective training approaches.

The Next Generation of Training

  • RangeForce's approach to cyber training emphasizes active learning, hands-on labs, and continuous improvement.
  • Tailoring training to the specific needs and threats faced by each organization is critical for enhanced defensive posture. 

The Importance of Assessing Adversaries

  • Cyber leaders need to understand the threat landscape and identify the specific adversaries that pose the greatest risk to their organizations.
  • Training should be focused on mitigating the threats that are most likely to occur.

The Training Process for Optimizing Cyber Training

  1. Assess your adversary
  2. Choose the right training content
  3. Make it relevant to your business
  4. Measure and track progress
  5. Repeat and refine

The Importance of Repetition

  • Repetition and spaced learning are important for effective knowledge retention.
  • Research by Hermann Ebbinghaus illustrates the decline of knowledge over time without repetition.

The Benefits of Effective Training

  • The benefits of effective cyber training include:
  • Improved team skills and knowledge
  • Increased detection and mitigation of threats
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration
  • Demonstrated value to leadership


  • Continuous learning and improvement in cybersecurity is vastly important for organizational risk reduction. 
  • Organizations should invest in effective training programs that will prepare their teams for the evolving threat landscape.


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